Well not sure how i'm gonna like this whole blogging thing or if i will even stick with it but here we go...
So the 2012 Crossfit Games Open closed last night and it seems I am the 1,611 fittest man in the northeast region. That being said that is not gonna cut it. I know what people say, "oh you did great " or "you should be proud of yourself you have come so far". Both true i'm very proud of what I've done but i know i'm so much better. In the last year Crossfit has really pointed me in the direction to a better more fun and complete life, and if continued on this path it may even open the door to that life but that is not my style i wanna kick that bad boy in and jump into that life rather then tip toe in. So I have a year what will I do to prepare and have say a 1,000 position improvment from this year to next? tune in here to find out.
Today's plan....
615 class
4 rds for time
27 box jumps
20 burpees
11 squat cleans 145#
730 teach
830 late vampire lift session
1)Snatch 60% x3, 70% x3 75% x2 85% 1x3
2) clean and jerk
Same as above
615 class was a killer and tho 145# is no prob for me after a shit ton of burpees and box jumps fatigue played a toll. Proud of myself for pushing hard on the box jumps and burpees knocked it out in 26:11 very happy with that .
Now the late night vampire lift session. After a couple warm up cleans it was instantly apparent that my wrist were pretty beat up from the squat cleans so I passed on the clean and jerks. But I attacked the snatches and worked on catching them all in a half squat and paused at the top working on stabilizing the weight. Worked up to 175# as the load of all the work today caught up to me. All in all a good first day.
Big shout out to Allison for riding my ass at class and ken for sticking around during the lift session.
Nice job on the blog! Keep it up, you give me motivation. Yesterdays workout was no joke on the wrists. Mine are still sore