Friday, March 30, 2012

Why helllloooo Friday!

I think I could enjoy this Friday a little more if I could walk stairs or even feel my legs. That being said I have no choice but to hit it hard tonight due to all the bad choices I will no doubt make with tomorrow being NCAA final four. F you stupid lunges!

Today's plan....

21 dead lifts 185#
30 toes to bar
18 dead lifts
60 push ups
15 dead lifts
30 hollow rocks
12 dead lifts
60 pushups

Ok push ups are my enemy but I'm gonna get there ass tonight. The rest shouldn't be a problem but those last 60 will taunt me I know it!


Ok so I will admit my legs like everyone else were wrecked from yesterday . But I was determined to push tonight and my man man Dale was back so it was gonna be fun at class. Well Rog had us for warm up running ( 2nd least favorite) and core ( omfg fml big time least favorite) needless to say i wasnt happy.then I was informed instead of 185# I'd be doing 225# (fuck yeah) so that made me feel better a little I guess. Workout went as plan beasted the deads pushed on all the others best I could. Pushups limited me and forced me to take brakes they need to get better ASAP. So 13:33 with a big help from Dale who pushed the pace. Now time for pizza and dark and stormies can I get up for a hungover 7am class hmmm tune in and find out TGIF all!


  1. 300 lunges total = suck. I don't want to see another lunge for awhile.

    1. I have developed a serious allergy to lunges and will be bringing in a doctors note next time there in a wod. I'm thinking nap time is a quality scaling option
