Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My wod for 10/23/12

Strength - back squat 3x5 (315#)

Clean and jerk 3x5 (225#)

Conditioning- 8 min amrap

2 push press (135#)
5 t2b
7 box jumps

Rest 2 min

5 min amrap
2 thrusters (135#)
3 burpees over the bar
4 box jumps

Well first day back on my lift cycle with a little focus on my clean and jerk the next two weeks. Sets went fine then even added a few squat cleans in as I haven't touched on them in a long while. Starting low on the back squat but will build back up quickly as my system gets used to the volume again.

Amraps were good cant wait to see the energy in class thurs night. Tho I'm greatful I didn't program squats the same night the box jumps were torture. Gonna add more short amraps to build my wind for the open

Almost feel normal after the weekend

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Ok Mondays wod a little late...

So I'm behind on blogging so ill just recap .....

Went in to hit grace for a dry run after work and finished in 2:01 didn't really like how it went down but I'm about where I wanna be. My shoulders are bugging me tho.

Then I came back at 630 for some OHS and Helen . Did my squats from off the floor worked up to 215 but my shoulder was not liking it. Took off on the first run for Helen and right calf cramped up bad worst I've ever had. I was slow but I finished. I want a rematch Helen.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Beast of the east motivated

So just returned from watching the BoE and I've returned home with new resolve. Just showing up and going through the motions won't get it done. I was tired dehydrated from a long weekend of fun and games but headed right to the gym try wod 6 of BoE individual.


185# hang cleans
Chest to bar

12 min time cap.

Finished in 11:37 not good enough need to step all levels. Focusing on b4b this sat but then it's go time.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thurs 10/11/12

Ok here is today's plan.

For Time

10 -1 - Deadlifts (135#/225#)
25 - Double Unders
Complete 25 DU after each set of Deadlifts

10/25, 9/25, 8/25, .......1/25

10, 8, 6, 4, 2 (Standing Press - 75#/125#)
10 - Hollow Rocks

Complete 10 Hollow Rocks after each set of Standing Presses

10/10, 8/10, 6/10....2/10

5-1 - Back Squat (115#/205#)
50, 40, 30 , 20 , 10 - Air Squats

5 - Back Squats
50 - Air Squats
4 - Back Squats
40 - Air Squats
3/30, 2/20, 1/10


Well I upped the weights from what was RX in class. I did the 225 deads but did 135 press and 225 squat from the floor . There were not enough racks so I power cleaned them then back squatted.

So there was an absolute animal who dropped in from buffalo and I worked my ass off to keep up with him. He beat me by 2 min and I swear I was gonna vomit but hell I had the fastest time of the day( besides him) and I went heavier than prescribed ill take it. I'm good at du's but not like him I need to get better.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Rest day!

Due to teaching two classes now on wed I've chosen to move my rest day from tues to wed. Shoulders are smoked from the push presses so I'm gonna just take the dog for a walk and do some mobility stuff.

And by mobility I mean finger mobility in a super hero costume.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Push it real good!

Yeah yeah i know its been awhile.Ok here is my plan....

Strength wod

Front Squat 3x5

On the min for 10 min
- 6 kb swings 6 T2B

Conditioning wod

12 min AMRAP

20 push presses 65/45#


20 push presses 85/55#


20 push presses 105/65#


As many push presses 125/85#

So I'm gonna do the conditioning after work but kids come in early so I'm gonna come back later to do the strength wod.


Holy smoked shoulders! 146 total reps. Had a few distractions with cf kids coming in but honestly it was a welcome break. Got to 125# with 8 min left. Shoulders have been bugging me but they held up fine.

Back after dinner for strength

Well came back very unmotivated but what the hell right? Well hitting a 30# PR on my front squat was kinda big. Oh and I did it 5 times ha! But to be honest I haven't done heavy front squats in a while but it was just what I needed . Did the 70# kb and knocked out toes to bar no problem after that. Love the on the minute stuff.

Glad to be back blogging but tomorrow I'm off Thursday will be my dry run of grace sub 2:00 or bust!