Thursday, April 5, 2012

Eva you nasty bitch!

So I'm thinking it will be a normal thing for my left knee to ache in the morning so I will have to deal don't have time to bitch about it with 5 800's tonight and basketball tomorrow night. Almost happy about all the running tonight due to I have races coming up and have not run a lick to prep for them. See how that plan goes oh well i hate it and can think of a ton of shit I'd rather be doing.

Today's plan.....


5 rounds for time

800m run
30 KB swings (heavy)
30 pull ups

EVA is one of the "girls" bench mark workouts so it will be fun to post a time and compare it down the line. The "girls" are always awful hoping there is a large class seems the more people suffering together the easier it is for some reason.There is a 50 min time cap on this sucker I'll be angry if I approach that hoping for sub 40 even with my knee.


Ok so I made the title to this post as a joke. Well I was spot on! First off the run was rough. Anyone who knows me knows my hatred for running. Then pride kicked in and I was determined to do the workout rx'd this ment 150 swings with the 70# kettle bell. I'd hoped for sub 40min until I heard that. I figured rx wod under the time cap would be respectable. Well I'd forgotten the damn farmers carries yesterday and there effect on my hands. It was a slow grind but I got it done in 58 min. Proud of my girl Mary Ann for gutting out all the pullups and sticking with me at the end. Thank god it is over.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job! RXing this WOD is very difficult. I don't want to see this chick for a LONG time.
