Been so busy I have been neglecting my blog duties! Quick catch up
Fri- involved my first workout with toes to rings which I learned coupled with heavy deads are just about world war 3 on the hands. Fun wod tho.
Sat- PR'd the south county hospital 5k by 4 min so I think this CrossFit stuff is working?
Ok now we are up to speed so for today's plan of action.
Press 3x5 70%
Then 5 rds or 20 min whatever comes first.
Squat max reps 225#
7 burpee box jumps
Total squat reps is the score if you put the bar down that ends the round.
Well i did the lifts! Ended up doing 185 across the board and it was a bit of a grind as i'm a bit off my lifting game coming of the back thing so i just stuck with that number for today.
Well i had zero mojo and a huge case of the mondays so pushing myself in a WOD was gonna be tough so i said fuck it and took the 615 class where i knew having people there would get me going.
Well long story short some tire flips, running and KB swings with the 1 pood this dude was beat. gonna do todays metcon tomorrow before bball.
Thats not what the WOD is today! Congrats on the PR!!!!