So today is all about Fran and the fact that its Friday the 13th is only fitting. My big ass has been at odds with this workout for a long time. I've done this WOD 4 or 5 times in my life and it has never gone well, I always seem to feel I didn't go hard enough. You see there is no place for water breaks or rest for that matter with Fran, you go until your done or you explode into a million bits of body parts scattered around the gym.Those are your only two options. I've been infatuated with this workout tho i really want to be good at it but fact of the matter is every time i step up to the plate to tackle this gnarly bitch she kicks me square in the balls and sends me home looking for mommy. What is with the combo of thrusters and pull ups that make it so miserable? I mean your done in minutes right? You can do anything for 5-6 or maybe even 7 minutes right?
Now if today is your first Fran know that this is a day you will always remember because over your crossfit life you will dance with her often. I want you to think of a few things after your done.
1) how do i feel? If you can physically move then you didn't either scale or push yourself properly. This Wod is supposed to be quick and intense if it takes you 10-12 minutes you really didn't do Fran you did her lazy twin brother Francis who is the same but slower and fatter and plays to much xbox. If you are having trouble catching your breath and it feels like you smoked 3 packs a day for twenty years then congrats on your first Fran. Nothing i've experienced blows out the system better then our lovely lady.
2)Love the suck! Now your like WTF is this asshole talking about. Well i'm talking about if you push yourself in this WOD it will get nasty awful. Breathing will be tough, the weight will feel heavy and at some point you will want to stop, and you may do just that. But while your laying there half dead on the floor think she did not kill me i can do this and vow to do better next time. Maybe it will be a different band or RX weight or to push faster. You will never win with her but you can always come back for more and put up a better fight!
Now if you feel like you have met Francis and not Fran fear not you will see her again and you must prepare for her in the mean time just know better to attack it or ask a coach to help. Better yet ask to do it over now that will make you hardcore!
Have a good weekend everyone.... IF YOU LIVE!!
Today's plan.....
Thruster's 95#
pull ups
Hoping for low 6's maybe 6:15 or so gonna go unbroken on the thrusters and break up the pull ups in 7's then 5's with a short break hoping to only break the last round into two sets.
So my goal of low 6's went out the window when dale txt me telling me hit 6 even I was like oh he'll no it's go time. Finished in 5:41 and felt like death after. Very happy with that but a little clean up on the movements easily gets me to under 5 tho I'm in no rush to feel how that makes me feel.
Sounds like a solid plan. I know you will kill it! Don't let her beat you!