Thursday, April 19, 2012

Goals, injuries and feeling like i'm missing out.

Well my back pain is frustrating the living hell out of me. Today I've been going through fits of " omg my back is killing me" to " god i feel much better right now!". Trying to stay active is working out as i'm making progress but damn i want to be better right now!!

This is something i need to learn to listen to my body and when to take breaks and let myself recover. If you know me well you know i always tend to come back to early as missing out on all the fun is just not ok with me. But i have plans and goals ahead of me that i don't want to ruin by this thing so i'm gonna take it easy.

Speaking of goals there are a few that top the list i'll list a few for you here.

1) Win New Haven Crossfits Barbell for boobs this fall.

After coming in 7th last year and really not having any idea what it was all about i vowed to win it and i'm sticking to my word. The goal is 1:40. There is nothing i want more right now then to bring a first place back to CFSK.

2) Body weight Over Head Squat by my birthday August 26th

Now this is one tough lift. I set this goal a bit ago and it serves to purposes. I need two drop pounds. Well the more i drop the less i have to lift over head and squat right? i see this as a win either way. Seeing as I am in the ball park of 260 as i type this that is one beast worthy lift and the fact that i'm already creeping up on 200 lbs is a good sign.

3) Add butterfly pull ups and muscle ups to my tool box by fall.

Well i can do the butterfly pull ups 5 at a time but i need to work on being efficient and smooth with the movement. I don't feel comfortable doing high rep workouts with them and need to build them up. I'm close on the muscle up but i need to work the transition a bunch more and work the dip portion a lot before i'll have them

Those are the main goals i have a ton more and things i need to tackle but that's enough to post for now. Here is hoping i heal fast and can get back at it this weekend these goals won't make themselves happen!

1 comment:

  1. we need break every once in a while to recover. Even if we don't want to. Your body will tell you when it needs one. Those are some awesome goals! I will be gathering mine in the next week and post them to my blog.
