Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Random thoughts and goals

CrossFit stuff....

I really want a body weight clean and jerk for Xmas. This lift is my jam so I'm getting it but the big goal is 300#. I've never had my squat clean and my split jerk dialed in on the same day! I'm close.

- Sundays lift session is C&J till feb.

Need to build my capacity and work thru the sick more. Also muscle endurance needs to improve.

- less weight more reps now
- get in classes and beat everyone or vomit trying.

General life crap.

- start prepping for paleo challenge.

- get more sleep

- have Steve cover classes so you can take some.

- organize life in prep of fire academy.

- dominate all bball related duties.

Going to start blogging my sleep patterns with my wods so I can track my rest.

Awful Annie

So I'm way behind but here goes nothing. Going to try and keep this current until the open starts.

Today's fun:


Double unders
Air squats
Sit ups

Results: trying to get into the gen pop classes and build my cardio for the open. Also it will focus me on things I'd never program for myself. This was a burner got it done in 17:04 .

Goals for next two weeks

- sleep
- clean up the food routine a bit
- get to atleast 3 530am wods a week.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Open prep day 1

Back squat 3x5 (315#)
OHP 3x8 (135#)

Wod- 3rounds

50' of burpee broad jumps
20 kb swings 44#
15 t2b
10 thrusters 135#

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My wod for 10/23/12

Strength - back squat 3x5 (315#)

Clean and jerk 3x5 (225#)

Conditioning- 8 min amrap

2 push press (135#)
5 t2b
7 box jumps

Rest 2 min

5 min amrap
2 thrusters (135#)
3 burpees over the bar
4 box jumps

Well first day back on my lift cycle with a little focus on my clean and jerk the next two weeks. Sets went fine then even added a few squat cleans in as I haven't touched on them in a long while. Starting low on the back squat but will build back up quickly as my system gets used to the volume again.

Amraps were good cant wait to see the energy in class thurs night. Tho I'm greatful I didn't program squats the same night the box jumps were torture. Gonna add more short amraps to build my wind for the open

Almost feel normal after the weekend

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Ok Mondays wod a little late...

So I'm behind on blogging so ill just recap .....

Went in to hit grace for a dry run after work and finished in 2:01 didn't really like how it went down but I'm about where I wanna be. My shoulders are bugging me tho.

Then I came back at 630 for some OHS and Helen . Did my squats from off the floor worked up to 215 but my shoulder was not liking it. Took off on the first run for Helen and right calf cramped up bad worst I've ever had. I was slow but I finished. I want a rematch Helen.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Beast of the east motivated

So just returned from watching the BoE and I've returned home with new resolve. Just showing up and going through the motions won't get it done. I was tired dehydrated from a long weekend of fun and games but headed right to the gym try wod 6 of BoE individual.


185# hang cleans
Chest to bar

12 min time cap.

Finished in 11:37 not good enough need to step all levels. Focusing on b4b this sat but then it's go time.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thurs 10/11/12

Ok here is today's plan.

For Time

10 -1 - Deadlifts (135#/225#)
25 - Double Unders
Complete 25 DU after each set of Deadlifts

10/25, 9/25, 8/25, .......1/25

10, 8, 6, 4, 2 (Standing Press - 75#/125#)
10 - Hollow Rocks

Complete 10 Hollow Rocks after each set of Standing Presses

10/10, 8/10, 6/10....2/10

5-1 - Back Squat (115#/205#)
50, 40, 30 , 20 , 10 - Air Squats

5 - Back Squats
50 - Air Squats
4 - Back Squats
40 - Air Squats
3/30, 2/20, 1/10


Well I upped the weights from what was RX in class. I did the 225 deads but did 135 press and 225 squat from the floor . There were not enough racks so I power cleaned them then back squatted.

So there was an absolute animal who dropped in from buffalo and I worked my ass off to keep up with him. He beat me by 2 min and I swear I was gonna vomit but hell I had the fastest time of the day( besides him) and I went heavier than prescribed ill take it. I'm good at du's but not like him I need to get better.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Rest day!

Due to teaching two classes now on wed I've chosen to move my rest day from tues to wed. Shoulders are smoked from the push presses so I'm gonna just take the dog for a walk and do some mobility stuff.

And by mobility I mean finger mobility in a super hero costume.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Push it real good!

Yeah yeah i know its been awhile.Ok here is my plan....

Strength wod

Front Squat 3x5

On the min for 10 min
- 6 kb swings 6 T2B

Conditioning wod

12 min AMRAP

20 push presses 65/45#


20 push presses 85/55#


20 push presses 105/65#


As many push presses 125/85#

So I'm gonna do the conditioning after work but kids come in early so I'm gonna come back later to do the strength wod.


Holy smoked shoulders! 146 total reps. Had a few distractions with cf kids coming in but honestly it was a welcome break. Got to 125# with 8 min left. Shoulders have been bugging me but they held up fine.

Back after dinner for strength

Well came back very unmotivated but what the hell right? Well hitting a 30# PR on my front squat was kinda big. Oh and I did it 5 times ha! But to be honest I haven't done heavy front squats in a while but it was just what I needed . Did the 70# kb and knocked out toes to bar no problem after that. Love the on the minute stuff.

Glad to be back blogging but tomorrow I'm off Thursday will be my dry run of grace sub 2:00 or bust!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

New 730 strength and conditioning class

With the class starting in just under a week (next monday) I thought I would put together a little post to hopefully give you a little more information on what we will be looking to accomplish with this class.

First things first this is a strength class so expect to get pushed out of your comfort zone with the weight on certain lifts. Goal of the class is the build up your 1 rep maxes and muscle endurance so you can carry that added strength to your regular CrossFit wods, and you can handle more weight over longer periods with less rest resulting in better workouts/results. We will accomplish this by focusing on the basic lifts needed and doing heavy( for you) sets of 3 or 5 reps and adding heavier but short rep durations to the daily conditioning workout.

The lifts we will focus on you ask?

* squat -foundation of all awesomeness

* overhead press - helps with any movement that goes over the rack position

* bench press - burpees will improve as well push ups, tire flips or any movement that requires you off the floor quickly.

*Deadlift- because all heavy things start on the ground.

*Power clean- aggressive, athletic movement that is the base for all Olympic movements

When you arrive at class there will be a strength wod and a conditioning wod on the board. We will begin with a dynamic warmup gearing you up for the days strength segment. You will then do the strength wod in the time window for that day. Then set up for the days conditioning with movement standards/scaling will be addressed and then a wod that works into the 10-15 min time window will be preformed.
Cool down/ stretching / breakdown to follow.

Do I have to come all 3 days?

* no you can fit a day in whenever your schedule allows to supplement your regular classes. Tho for best results atleast 2 days a week over a couple of weeks would be best

If I take the regular class before can I just do the strength wod and not the conditioning?

* yes that's fine but keep in mind that both will count as classes for the week and if your a 3x a week member it could be a problem. Also a heads up to me before class starts that your ducking out is appreciated.

What should I expect to get out of this class.

* expect to build a solid foundation of strength that will serve you in all aspects of life. Feel stronger through your regular cf wods and do more workouts Rx. Regular strength class will build muscle which burns more fat while at rest resulting in a strong lean frame due to the denseness of muscle.

But the most important part is strength breeds confidence. Build up your swagger factor when you walk in the gym. Ever look at that board and see a lift and get nervous? Let's build athletes that look at that board and say f@#k yeah bring it on. Every time you move something heavy and do it efficiently you build a little more confidence. Starting Monday October 1st we get cracking will you be there?

Friday, August 3, 2012

How to get the most bang for your CF buck.

OK I know I haven't blogged in a long while but working with the CFSK athletes who will be competing in tomorrow's Festivus competition has got me thinking (dangerous thought I know). WARNING: this will be part rant and mostly advice on how you need to handle your business on the daily, here goes nothing....

What do you wanna be when you grow up?

Lets talk goals shall we? What the hell do you want to get out of this? Why did you sign up? " Well I signed up to get in shape coach Dave!" well what the hell does that even mean? It means something different to everyone, we need something measurable to judge your progress that way we know you are heading in the right direction! Now these goals could always be changing and that's fine but you must always have one every good little rabbit has there carrot. It can be a small one at first or a bunch of small ones that lead to a much larger one, but that is something that you must come up with the coaches cannot read your mind and find whats truly important to you so put some thought into it and be realistic and chip away at it every day.

Help us help you! 

Everyone at some point has been told to keep a journal, maybe it was during ramp or bring a buddy day but you have heard a coach suggest it. Well i'm not suggesting it I AM COMMANDING BY THE POWERS OF CROSSFIT keep a frigging journal or something! How about an app that tracks your max weights etc? Coaches can't remember what your 1 rep max is on your power clean. Do we try? Yes but it is totally not realistic to think we can. Now when looking for that max etc lets not wait until 530 of the 515 class, you got there at 505 right? You looked at the board and saw that to start the WOD there was a 5-4-3-3-2-1 of dead lifts lets go look at the journal(you do have one right?) and find out what we did last time and have a basic plan on how to attack it. Maybe ask a coach then what do you think of this etc that will help class and set up move much more smoothly and you will enjoy your workout much more and you won't feel as rushed.  Some one much smarter then me said," failing to prepare is preparing to fail" so remember a journal its your crossfit buddy you will find its worth it's weight in gold.

In the world of crossfit there are certain weight set ups that are common in daily Wods. 65,95,135,185,225 etc depending on the workout. You really need to learn how to set up these weights quickly. Anyone who knows me knows i can't add for shit but i know that 95 is two 25's with a 45# barbell. Learn the set ups they will serve you to move quickly threw strength days and just make everything run more smoothly. Also know what the barbell weighs. Each barbell should have a colored tape on it which will tell you the weight of the bar. there is a sheet on the back wall that will tell you what color is what, commit these to memory. Ok pop quiz the red tape means what?

Take a active interest in your crossfit experience and handle your business.

Don't lie you know you have caught yourself day dreaming of being a total crossfit gangsta. You know crushing large weight over long reps then running fast around the parking lot so you could come in and knock out 30 pull ups unbroken while not even breaking a sweat as you prep for the games. Well that is all well and good but how do you get there? How do you just get a little better then you were yesterday? When is the last time you made something a little bit harder? And i'm not saying a coach telling you to but when was the last time you said to yourself " i always do 55# thrusters and you know what my times are good maybe i'll do 65# today even if it does take me a few more minutes to finish lets try it!" Now if you have a workout with 5 skills don't go nuts and push yourself on every skill pick one a day and get out of your comfort zone a bit. Getting better or getting stronger is not easy but you need to be the person driving your improvement take charge of your CF experience challenge yourself! Some days will be tough and you will struggle, but for every struggle there will be a break through and that struggle will be well worth it. Honestly how many times did you do something at the gym just to go i should of done this or that? what held you back? Did you take the easy way out? where you scared you would finish last? Some people will intentionally go lighter or scale a movement they know they can do quickly so they can finish fast but do YOU want to be that person? Is that what your here for? One thing we all can agree on is CF is expensive and it is quite an investment. So when i invest i want to see a return. So every time you leave the gym ask yourself what did I do to get a return on that investment? Coaches help yes but what did YOU do.Do your part handle your business.

Would you drive your car 100mph right after putting the key in the ignition?

One thing I've been talking to the festivus crew about is warm up. Now by now we all know there is a generic warm up on the board, but this is a general warm up geared towards everyone. We don't know if you have been sitting down all day, or are still sore from the wall balls on Tuesday. Do you have something that's nagging you and might need a little extra attention? are there a shit ton of dead's in the wod and last time your back was tight? Especially if you have been at the gym awhile you need to start dialing in what YOU need to be ready for class to make YOU feel ready. It will take some time and trial and error but it will be so worth it and you will see your workouts jump to the next level while cutting down on soreness etc.Maybe jump roping before class? (you do own a jump rope which fits you right?) ton of squats and wall balls in the WOD? how about some foam rolling of your quads and hamstrings? This is something you need to try out for yourself play with it and see what works. There is one thing i know will not warm you up 20 minutes of chat time we can move that chat to the bikes and peddle a bit people right? Or how about working on those awful double unders? ( you are practicing right?)

Enjoy the journey

This should be fun. We have some amazing people in the gym it's my favorite part personally. Walk in smile and talk to people ( There is a time and place for this like the bikes haha) support and cheer on the person who is struggling through those last 10 burpees or box jumps. Remember this is first and foremost a community help the new people make them feel comfortable, introduce yourself show them how things are done i'm sure someone took some time to help you get set up one day repay the favor. Come to the events or maybe sign up for a race with a few people from the gym. Wear your CFSK gear like its a badge of honor not everyone can do what you do. We all hear it " it's to hard" or " i'm not ready to do that" and the best one " you fucking people are insane!" damn right we are and we love every minute.

Remember you invest in you every time you walk in make it worth it. Get the most bang for your buck don't cheat yourself dive in head first and don't be afraid to embrace the suck. You all have seen me in there a hot sweaty mess hating life. There isn't one day where i don't think about taking the easy way out or just skipping and laying on the couch not one. But i don't, i want to get better so i show up and hate every minute of every workout. But that one time where i do something I couldn't do when i walk in happens its all worth it.  Yup almost a year and 4 months in that still happens often.

Handle your business people no one will do it for you. Get cracking.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Cleaning up

Today's wod...

10 rounds

12 power cleans 155#
12 45# plate floor to overhead with jump.

33:11 rx

Started off to slow first couple rounds my second five rounds were faster then my first. Great workout.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hero time!

So Sunday mornings I'm gonna try to knock out hero wods one by one. There are so meant I have yet to torture myself with. So I look I'm my mywod app a picked the first one on the list.

First up is "abbatte"

1 mile run
21 clean and jerks 155#
800m run
21 clean and jerks 155#
1 mile run.

First off everyone knows running isn't my favorite but I need it and it hurt a lot but was good know I can add that kind of mileage to my wods if needed. Now with the lifts the back is still lingering. I paced myself but pulling stuff from the floor I have to be focused on my mechanics or I could run into problems. All in all tough workout nice way to start the day.

Time 41:11 rx

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday fun

Dead lift 3x5
Max strict pull ups x3

4 rounds

30 front squats 115#
15 t2b
15 lateral box jumps

Results ....

Did 3sets of 315# dead lifts then 8 strict pull ups followed by 6 and 4.

Set a 25 min cap on the wod and didn't get it all in finishing 3 full rounds and 22 front squats. Didn't have the energy and today was hot as hell in the gym. Gotta get used to it.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tues rest

Gonna relax today I'm just beat up need to really get to work on a daily stretching routine

Tues rest

Gonna relax today I'm just beat up need to really get to work on a daily stretching routine

Monday ugh

Strength work...

Press 3x5 did sets at 155,175,175

Back squat 3x5 sets 300


Row 500
100 du's
200 meter farmers carry 2 95# barbells
100 du's
Row 500


Had a hard time with the farmers carry balancing the barbells. Du's are coming along.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Back blogging!

Totally been slacking with the blog and a lot of other things so now it's time to refocus!

Today's wod

3 rounds
5 snatch balance 95#
20 wall balls 20#
30 double unders
20 knees to elbows

Took me 22:53 double unders were great today but KTE were a bitch. Haven't done them in awhile. Back still feels stiff with wall balls.

Before my class I did some snatch work I need to get my swagger back with the barbell the back has me doubting myself but today I built some of that back up. Felt good lift things over head.
30 double unders

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cinco de ouch!!!

Totally gotta get a sweat in before the drinking starts!


Going to do 4 4 minute rounds with a min rest in between of

20 ohs 95#
20 double unders
Total reps at the end of 4 min is your score.

Now I have huge problems transitioning to double unders from anything. To do them alone I'm fine but fatigue kills my focus on them.


Round 1 43 reps.. Ohs felt funny first time doing the really since getting hurt took some time to find a rhythm .

Round 2 45 reps... Ohs went great but du's were a nightmare.

Round 3 40 reps... This could of been ugly I went to drop the bar at 10 ohs to regrip and bounced the barbell off my head. Hurt like hell. Crushed my double unders tho maybe I need to smash my head every time?

Round 4 40 reps..... Fatigue was a factor on this it was a struggle to get a full round.

Shoulders are smoked due to lack of any ohs work in awhile. But it was like riding a bike felt good doing them. Double unders under fatigue need work that's for sure gonna revisit this wod again soon.

Everyone go get your inner Mexican on!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

thrusters and running this won't suck (ugh)

So today i'm going to hit the gym after work for some overhead squat training. Plan is 3x5 and work up to some heavy stuff. going to the 615 class for met con so don't have to rush to get it all done before CF kids come in at 430. Before I got hurt i could do 185# for 3 so we will see how much i lost in the time off.

Met Con....

Today At CFSK its a fun one!

1 mile run

30 thrusters 95#

1 mile run

now there is some penalty for every second your last mile is slower then your first. I'm calling it now there will be some panty wastes who dog there first mile i know it. but hey they gotta live with themselves.


Went well came in second in my class guy ran the first mile in 6 something so he had a 2 min head start on the thrusters but I caught him and headed out the door right on his heels well he dusted me. I was very happy to finish in 20 min. Running is starting to agree with me a bit just need to stick with it.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Deads and squats

Strength ....

5 rep max dead lift


Gonna make up Monday's squats and burpee box jumps. Then I have class to teach then maybe some snatch practice.


Yowza took it easy on the deads worked up to 300# for sets of five but the wod after was brutal. Idea of the wod was to do a shit ton of 225 back squats five rounds worth inside 20 mins. Every time you racked the bar that was a round and you had to do 7 burpee box jumps before you could start again. Now you are only scored on your total amount of squats and if you needed to rest what did you do you ask? Stand there with the bar on your back. Wod was rough but right up my alley. I feel I've lost some strength recouping from my back. Need to fix that ASAP!

Wod is called bad religion from CrossFit football . YouTube it it's a good one.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Sorry for the blog break!

Been so busy I have been neglecting my blog duties! Quick catch up

Fri- involved my first workout with toes to rings which I learned coupled with heavy deads are just about world war 3 on the hands. Fun wod tho.

Sat- PR'd the south county hospital 5k by 4 min so I think this CrossFit stuff is working?

Ok now we are up to speed so for today's plan of action.

Press 3x5 70%

Then 5 rds or 20 min whatever comes first.

Squat max reps 225#
7 burpee box jumps

Total squat reps is the score if you put the bar down that ends the round.


Well i did the lifts! Ended up doing 185 across the board and it was a bit of a grind as i'm a bit off my lifting game coming of the back thing so i just stuck with that number for today.

Well i had zero mojo and a huge case of the mondays so pushing myself in a WOD was gonna be tough so i said fuck it and took the 615 class where i knew having people there would get me going.

Well long story short some tire flips, running and KB swings with the 1 pood this dude was beat. gonna do todays metcon tomorrow before bball.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Push it , push press it real good!

Today's a strength day at CFSK so I'm jumping in on that push presses are fun any lift over head is a blast.

Today's plan....

Push press


Like to work up to over 200 but we will see I may just find weight I can do throughout and do it before I teach class.


Took it easy did all the sets at 185# and called it a day. i really am babying this back till next week we go full steam. I just need to knock out this 5k on sat in a respectable time first haha.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Run baby run

So today's plan is to jog the race loop for Saturday . Gonna bring the dog and give it ago maybe she can drag me to a PR?

Today's plan....

Run 5k


I didnt time myself but the run went great the dog loved it as well. Honestly the best I've ever felt running a 5k I know I can really push now. Felt strong at the end so now I can't wait till Saturday !

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Today I have a bball game hopefully I can get back to playing how I truly can. Gonna go for a jog so I'm gonna get there early and do it there. Getting nervous about this road race Saturday !

Monday, April 23, 2012

Don't call it a comeback!

Starting today I'm back at normal training and I'm sooooo ready to get back after it. Cfsk has a good one waiting for me too!

Today's plan...

Row 800m
30 overhead press
30 wall balls
Row 800
30 double unders
30 wall balls
Row 800
30 overhead press
30 double unders

RX for the press is 65# normally I'd bump that up but I may chill on that and ease my way back it. Starting today I'm recommitting to A more lengthy warm up. Here goes nothing!


Things went awesome. Class was amazing as I duked it with Jeff for the fastest time (which Travis later beat during my class) I had him beat going into the last group of double unders but when I tripped up on 20 he passed me doing them all unbroken except the last two beating me by 8 seconds. Finished in 22:11 which I was happy about. Back was fine tho it totally hurt my range of motion in the squat for wall balls. Good first true first day back.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Buddy day

Well today's a good day I'm back In the gym. Back isn't 100% but the workout today wasn't something that would put a hurting on it. I was dying to get this thing started and they had a lot of work laid out for me.

Today's plan.....

20 pull ups
20 pull ups
50 push ups
20 pull ups
50 push ups
75 squats
1 mile
20 pull ups
50 push ups
75 squats
100 sit ups

Now I know that sounds like its a shit ton of work but it was bring a buddy day so I got my cousin Erin to join me and spilt up the work. Now in true gee fashion we busted it out all legit pushups, pull ups and squats my girl stepped it up and knocked it out. Finished it all in 26 min. Also in typical gee fashion she was pissed people beat us as she noticed people not doing legit push ups and squats but hey I told her its about us not them and I told her I used to get wrapped up in that myself. Outside of working out with my sister it was a one of my favorite days at the gym.

We gamed the wod big time with Erin doing the bulk of the running and squats and me doing most of the pull ups and push ups. Thought we found a good mix and I think she had a good experience.

So still on the mend but progress is goo great to be out there with my people again.

Friday, April 20, 2012


Thank god it's Friday people! Happy for a couple reasons, the first being that the work week is done but i'm mostly in a good mood today because there has been huge improvement in my back! Tomorrow i hit the free buddy workout with my cousin Erin at CFSK.  Should be a good experience and having a ton of new people in the gym is never a bad thing.

Today's plan...

Well no crossfitting for me today but I do have a basketball game in Newport and am looking forward to running around and getting some form of workout in. Here is hoping all goes as planned the next two days.

Bball went great while I still play stiff it is great to feel I can run around with zero issues.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Goals, injuries and feeling like i'm missing out.

Well my back pain is frustrating the living hell out of me. Today I've been going through fits of " omg my back is killing me" to " god i feel much better right now!". Trying to stay active is working out as i'm making progress but damn i want to be better right now!!

This is something i need to learn to listen to my body and when to take breaks and let myself recover. If you know me well you know i always tend to come back to early as missing out on all the fun is just not ok with me. But i have plans and goals ahead of me that i don't want to ruin by this thing so i'm gonna take it easy.

Speaking of goals there are a few that top the list i'll list a few for you here.

1) Win New Haven Crossfits Barbell for boobs this fall.

After coming in 7th last year and really not having any idea what it was all about i vowed to win it and i'm sticking to my word. The goal is 1:40. There is nothing i want more right now then to bring a first place back to CFSK.

2) Body weight Over Head Squat by my birthday August 26th

Now this is one tough lift. I set this goal a bit ago and it serves to purposes. I need two drop pounds. Well the more i drop the less i have to lift over head and squat right? i see this as a win either way. Seeing as I am in the ball park of 260 as i type this that is one beast worthy lift and the fact that i'm already creeping up on 200 lbs is a good sign.

3) Add butterfly pull ups and muscle ups to my tool box by fall.

Well i can do the butterfly pull ups 5 at a time but i need to work on being efficient and smooth with the movement. I don't feel comfortable doing high rep workouts with them and need to build them up. I'm close on the muscle up but i need to work the transition a bunch more and work the dip portion a lot before i'll have them

Those are the main goals i have a ton more and things i need to tackle but that's enough to post for now. Here is hoping i heal fast and can get back at it this weekend these goals won't make themselves happen!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hump day is the week half full or half empty?

So ive been back on the whole sugar and bread thing again so today I got back with the program. Goal is to lean out by time I head to Florida in June and be lighter for the comp the end of June. So I totally gotta cut back on the crap.

So the back is on the mend but I'm gonna give it another day and get back at it tomorrow . I'll just teach tonight and stretch etc.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Because my mom wondered why no blog today!

Well my back has been on the fritz all day. Tried loosening it up with decent results. Going over to my game tonight gonna run some laps to get a sweat in. Hopefully I'll be back at CrossFit Thursday to take class.

Today's plan...

Wait till Thursday.

Starting tomorrow I
Gonna recommit to eating well. I've fallen back into my old rut a little.

Results... Well got a great sweat going before my game and actually played about half of it. Felt great after tho I didn't have the mobility I normally have I was better for having played I am 2x better than I was yesterday. Woke up a little stiff but am getting better. Oh and we don vs are big rival which is even better.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Flipping Monday's ugh

So another amazing weekend tho I really should rest more but hell resting is for when your dead! So on to another week we go!

Today's plan....

8 mins of work

Every minute complete 5 kb swings 8 box jumps for every round not completed 10 double under penalty.

Back squat 3x5
Press 3x5

Gonna use the 70 lb vowed after eve that was the only thing I'd swing so here we go....


Well wod went great no penalties kb felt light tho coming down of the box jump I retweek my back so the lifting was out. Very frustrating time to keep getting hurt I'm really ready to step it up need to warm up better. Back at it Wednesday .

Sunday, April 15, 2012

CrossFit does bowling.

So today I went to a fundraiser at old mountain lanes where myself and some cfsk peeps got after it.

Long story short I suck but Brian guadette (2nd place) and ken big bottoms (3rd place) def didn't . Now coax Travis and myself proved that not everyone can be a good bowler as we were about as bad as there can be.

Good times tho back to the grind tomorrow!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Day with the dog.

My goal today is to run my dog into the ground.

Today's plan for me... Rest.

Today's plan for Shelby?

Chasing tennis balls in the water for time.

Hr rest followed by dog park.

Evening dog wod hike around trails at the house.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Fran the benchmark of benchmarks

So today is all about Fran and the fact that its Friday the 13th is only fitting. My big ass has been at odds with this workout for a long time. I've done this WOD 4 or 5 times in my life and it has never gone well, I always seem to feel I didn't go hard enough. You see there is no place for water breaks or rest for that matter with Fran, you go until your done or you explode into a million bits of body parts scattered around the gym.Those are your only two options. I've been infatuated with this workout tho i really want to be good at it but fact of the matter is every time i step up to the plate to tackle this gnarly bitch she kicks me square in the balls and sends me home looking for mommy. What is with the combo of thrusters and pull ups that make it so miserable? I mean your done in minutes right? You can do anything for 5-6 or maybe even 7 minutes right?

Now if today is your first Fran know that this is a day you will always remember because over your crossfit life you will dance with her often. I want you to think of a few things after your done.

1) how do i feel?  If you can physically move then you didn't either scale or push yourself properly. This Wod is  supposed to be quick and intense if it takes you 10-12 minutes you really didn't do Fran you did her lazy twin brother Francis who is the same but slower and fatter and plays to much xbox. If you are having trouble catching your breath and it feels like you smoked 3 packs a day for twenty years then congrats on your first Fran. Nothing i've experienced blows out the system better then our lovely lady.

2)Love the suck!  Now your like WTF is this asshole talking about. Well i'm talking about if you push yourself in this WOD it will get nasty awful. Breathing will be tough, the weight will feel heavy and at some point you will want to stop, and you may do just that. But while your laying there half dead on the floor think she did not kill me i can do this and vow to do better next time. Maybe it will be a different band or RX weight or to push faster. You will never win with her but you can always come back for more and put up a better fight!

Now if you feel like you have met Francis and not Fran fear not you will see her again and you must prepare for her in the mean time just know better to attack it or ask a coach to help. Better yet ask to do it over now that will make you hardcore!

Have a good weekend everyone.... IF YOU LIVE!!

Today's plan.....



Thruster's 95#
pull ups

Hoping for low 6's maybe 6:15 or so gonna go unbroken on the thrusters and break up the pull ups in 7's then 5's with a short break hoping to only break the last round into two sets.


So my goal of low 6's went out the window when dale txt me telling me hit 6 even I was like oh he'll no it's go time. Finished in 5:41 and felt like death after. Very happy with that but a little clean up on the movements easily gets me to under 5 tho I'm in no rush to feel how that makes me feel.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

My first year of CrossFit.

Well seeing as today is a rest day I'm gonna take a bit of time to reflect on my first year with CrossFit in my life and it's effects on me.

Well for those who don't know I started at CrossFit providence where ramp almost killed my fast food eating couch potato ass. After long drives at 4 bucks a gallon and even tho I loved it (tho I was positive it was gonna kill me) it was getting tough to get to providence then along came CFSK and shit got real. See I was hoping to learn enough at providence so I could do it at the YMCA. You know because they allow chalk and dropping stuff from over head right? CFSK hadn't opened yet but I knew the coaches were in there working out so I bugged them until they allowed me to join them. Paying in cash I became the first CFSK athlete something I'm very proud to be.

Never have I been able to stick to a gym or working out. So why has CFSk been different you ask? The people. From the owners to the newest rampers everyone has a story and are so motivating in there own way. People so giving with there time and accepting. Have I lost weight ? Yup. Have I done things I'd never knew I'd do or even could? Hell yes! Can I pick up really heavy shit ? Fuck yeah! But it's the new out look on how I want to live my life and how it's given me the confidence to live my life how I want that's the greatest gift the gym has gave to me.

The gym has given me back my swagger so how does one repay that? Well you pay it forward of course you help others on there path. This past fall I passed my level 1 cf cert and in January became Cfsk's first employee another thing I take pride in. It feels so good to help others and see them get better and better. I take more pride in others accomplishments then my own. Because I know what it feels like to start and be afraid and nervous and how it feels to overcome things and I love that I get to share in others break throughs with them.

This year has flown by and as I write this CFSK creeps up on one year being open and with that a host of my favorite people you early originals will be celebrating 1 year at cfsk. Congrats to you all it was not easy and we can share many a tale of great times inside those walls and out. Thank you for making the gym fun again I owe you all a drink that's for sure.

For all you new people who are just finding your way this is what you need to do. #1 show up often #2 ask questions #3 do the best you can. If you do that you will do things you never thought possible.

If I can ever help anyone or answer questions I'd love to help ill be the big ugly guy who never seems to shut up and sweats to much come over and say hey.

I know this is long but tough shit it's my blog I'll do what I like!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hump day!

Have spent all morning trying to loosen up my back seems to be helping a bit. Only time it's not tight is while working out so fuck it double session it is. What I'm really looking forward to is who steps up in my class tonight weight wise.

Today's plan....

3:45 - 3x5 dead hang pullups.

5 rounds for time

Run 200m
10 kb swings 36#
15 burpees

615 - 5-4-3-2-1

Power clean
Squat clean
Clean and jerk

Do each lift once w/ same weight is one rep.

Shooting to do 185# but I'll know better after my first wod. 155 is prob as low as I'm willing to go on this.


Ok early wod went well ended up doin 5 sets of 3 with weighted chains to spice up the pull ups gotta add more of those in! 1st wod went well running was ok and broke the burpees up onto 5's finished in 14:53.

Came back to bang some weight around . After first wod my back was feeling pretty good so I wanted to get after it. First two rounds 185 felt easy. 3rd round 205 wasn't a problem. 4th round at 225 I could feel what the sprints had taken out of my legs. Failed at 245 the last round before bouncing back and nailing it.

My class was great with some newer lifters going light but improving on there lifts and getting comfortable and others stepping up there games to another level.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Outlaw or die.

So today I've chosen to switch up my programming. To date I've been mixing in a number of elements of different programming from different gyms. I've completely fallen in love with outlaw CrossFit. It fits who I am and my personal goals. There are two levels of programming comp mode and normal class. I will do there normal class Untill the comp in June and look at my progress. Days off are thurs/sun so that will be a bit of a change.

Today's plan....

15min find 1rm back squat


9 thrusters 135#
50 du's
7 thrusters 135#
50 du's
5 thrusters 135#
50 du's


Placed a 15 min time cap on myself to finish so I wouldn't dog it well the du's kicked my ass first two rounds of them went ok but under fatigue it was a whole new ball game. Thrusters felt heavy but thrusters feel heavy no matter the weight. Now back squats I did a couple heavy sets but I chilled out a bit my back is still bugging me.

So I did 3 sets of 3 of 325# for the back squat and came up 20 du's short of finishing the wod under the time.

This outlaw thing isn't gonna be easy this thing kicked my Ass I gotta step it up.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter hang over.

Well all out rest this weekend did the body good but all the crap I ingested did not. Plan for this week is to follow gyms programming mon,wed,thurs and fri and extra lift sessions tonight and thurs. also I'm gonna start getting my eating together but that's easier said than done.

Today's plan....

615 class

25 min amrap

20 ground to overhead 85#
25 box jumps
30 wall balls

730 teach

830 5-5-5-5 heavy clean and jerks.

So the weight in class will be light so I
Gonna try to push my pace as fast as possible and redline it and try and live there. Need to get back on the c&j after focusing on snatch and squating so much lately . Barbell for boobs won't win itself!


Well 615 went ok did over 4 rds at 95# but had some serious tightness in my back so I chose to pass on the extra lifting. In my class I taught tonight I was impressed with how everyone pushed themselves. Stacey and cori pushing the weight on the first round while monster Murdock kept up his charge of getting better every single day and Kenny putting in great work along side Brian. Great job guys. Tomorrow I'm gonna rest and stretch this back out.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Rest and relax

Gonna rest like its my job today slept in a bit now heading to the mist for breakfast. Gonna do some hard sprint intervals tomorrow before Easter madness begins.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Did I get in a car crash?

Body is straight up hurting today. My hands are crushed I'm gonna avoid using them on the bar the next couple days actually most likely gonna run the next couple days and let my body reset a bit.

So its almost 3:30 and I'm still beat up and tired. Gotta get my act together have a bball game at 7:15. Tomorrow I'm doing nothing. I mean NOTHING.

Funny thing happens I play in my game now I feel amazing and once I got running around I felt great during the game. Maybe I'll get my lazy ass to class in the morning. Doubt it ha

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Eva you nasty bitch!

So I'm thinking it will be a normal thing for my left knee to ache in the morning so I will have to deal don't have time to bitch about it with 5 800's tonight and basketball tomorrow night. Almost happy about all the running tonight due to I have races coming up and have not run a lick to prep for them. See how that plan goes oh well i hate it and can think of a ton of shit I'd rather be doing.

Today's plan.....


5 rounds for time

800m run
30 KB swings (heavy)
30 pull ups

EVA is one of the "girls" bench mark workouts so it will be fun to post a time and compare it down the line. The "girls" are always awful hoping there is a large class seems the more people suffering together the easier it is for some reason.There is a 50 min time cap on this sucker I'll be angry if I approach that hoping for sub 40 even with my knee.


Ok so I made the title to this post as a joke. Well I was spot on! First off the run was rough. Anyone who knows me knows my hatred for running. Then pride kicked in and I was determined to do the workout rx'd this ment 150 swings with the 70# kettle bell. I'd hoped for sub 40min until I heard that. I figured rx wod under the time cap would be respectable. Well I'd forgotten the damn farmers carries yesterday and there effect on my hands. It was a slow grind but I got it done in 58 min. Proud of my girl Mary Ann for gutting out all the pullups and sticking with me at the end. Thank god it is over.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Hump day

I feel pretty good today after basketball tho my knees ache a bit it is nothing like I thought it would be hell I even played pretty well.

Today's plan...

615 class

11 rounds for time

12 Kettle bell sdhp
50 meter farmers carry

730 teach

830 late night met con (cf southie)

Back squat 2-2-2


Push press 95#
Box jump

Should be a challenging day for sure.


So 615 went well it was nice to workout with my sister who smoked me and pinch gripping the 45 bumpers was hellish and smoked my hand even bothering me on the kettlebells. Finished in 14:08 which was ok.

Class was small but energy was still there.

Late night wod went great. Was really worried about my knee with the box jumps so I took it easy and used the small box. Kenny stayed and did it with me and we cranked it out. Finished 7:58. Feel great and knee feels better sounds like a good day.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Game day

So I actually feel really good this morning after the double yesterday a little stiff but that's to be expected.

Today's plan....

Well tues is always a rest day normally but starting tonight my bball league starts tues/fri so I'm playing for the first time in a year. Wondering how my cross fitting will transition to my bball game. I'm excited.


Well we crushed them I felt great tho I'm rusty as hell haha. Our team is fun to play with so I had a blast. It was great. Best rest day ever haha

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday already ???

Feeling great today after getting to bed early last night ( for me). Hoping to have a week as good as last week.

Today's plan....

6:15 class

25 min amrap

30 double unders
10 power snatch
10 ring dips

730 teach

830 late night wod

8 min amrap

5 burpees
1 length of gym barbell overhead carry 155#

I should be hurting tomorrow but I CrossFit I'm hurting everyday right!?


Class was great snatches were really light and I had my best ring dip day ever. Du's coulda been better but stayed with them. 6 rds plus it was good.

My class was packed had a full gym it was great energy was unreal very happy with the way people got after it.

Late night wod was rough. 155 was heavy for the carry and the burpees were rough after already doing a wod. Did 5 rds was very happy and I'm frigging beat. Good Monday time for the NCAA finals!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sunday funday

So I feel a ton better after a rest day yesterday. Gonna spend a good part of the morning with the roller and am gonna meet Steve at the gym at 1:30. No idea what is in store for me. But isn't that what it's all about? Check in later.

Well steveo wanted to work on snatching so we did some work on that with him. I worked mostly on catching in a lower squatting position with lighter weight. Worked up to some sets at 195#. As boys will do we started playing with different lifts mostly overhead squats . Been awhile since I'd done them heavy felt really good doing sets at 165# while pretty toast after snatching. Very happy with that my flexibility has come light years since I first started. Now to enjoy the day ladies final four tonight!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Final four weekend!

So I got to sleep in today it was much needed. And when I say sleep in I'm writing this from bed at 11am. So time to get up crush some food and get on with my day.

Today's plan......


I'm gonna get after it tomorrow but today is gonna be quality time with the dog. Then of course we have the men's final four tonight.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Why helllloooo Friday!

I think I could enjoy this Friday a little more if I could walk stairs or even feel my legs. That being said I have no choice but to hit it hard tonight due to all the bad choices I will no doubt make with tomorrow being NCAA final four. F you stupid lunges!

Today's plan....

21 dead lifts 185#
30 toes to bar
18 dead lifts
60 push ups
15 dead lifts
30 hollow rocks
12 dead lifts
60 pushups

Ok push ups are my enemy but I'm gonna get there ass tonight. The rest shouldn't be a problem but those last 60 will taunt me I know it!


Ok so I will admit my legs like everyone else were wrecked from yesterday . But I was determined to push tonight and my man man Dale was back so it was gonna be fun at class. Well Rog had us for warm up running ( 2nd least favorite) and core ( omfg fml big time least favorite) needless to say i wasnt happy.then I was informed instead of 185# I'd be doing 225# (fuck yeah) so that made me feel better a little I guess. Workout went as plan beasted the deads pushed on all the others best I could. Pushups limited me and forced me to take brakes they need to get better ASAP. So 13:33 with a big help from Dale who pushed the pace. Now time for pizza and dark and stormies can I get up for a hungover 7am class hmmm tune in and find out TGIF all!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Is it the weekend yet???

Wee bit sore this morning but in the good way. Got some sprints done on the treadmill this morning and am gonna hit the 615 cfsk class before coaching there tonight. Long ass amrap tonight having flash backs to 12.3 were I felt like my lungs were trying to climb out of my body.

The plan.....

25 min amrap

100 walking lunges
30 wall balls
20 push presses 105#
10 ball slams


Wow so I was happy to get 3 full rounds plus 17 reps of lunges. I paid for it I hurt bad at the end of this couldn't feel my legs. Push press I did 115# and that was a welcome rest from the rest of the workout. Went to 515 class for the first time great group now home to shower before I head back to teach. Is it Friday yet???

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Light weight baby!!!

I'm excited for today going for max back squat. I woke up feeling great after a day off yesterday legs feel good been on the road to 400# for a bit is today the day?

Today's plan.....

Back squat 5-5-5-5 goal 1rep max

Teach 730

830 vampire late night met con (cf southie)


200m run
Toes to bar


So I snuck into the noon class to try and tackle that 400# goal. Felt great through 385# which was a PR. Had 400# halfway 2x but it wasn't in the cards today. Happy with the effort.

Class was great got to work with a great group.

Toes to bar sprint workout went great kenny stayed to do it with me cranked it out in 14:11 pushed on the sprints best I could. Toes to bar get easier by the day . Wod frigging killed me my running needs to get better and quick.

Time to go home and get intimate with my foam roller my body needs it.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Today's Plan.....


After the 12.5 Open workout and the boozefest after would it was amazing i did as well as I did yesterday. shoulders are a little beat up form the C2B pull ups and snatches the last two days so a day off is needed. Tues and a weekend day depending on my schedule will be my rest days with a early plan for Monday and Thursdays to be double days of some sort. trial and error will tell me if that's a wise choice or not.

Hopefully heading to the UCONN women's elite eight game tonight back at it tomorrow.

Monday, March 26, 2012

First day of a long journy

Well not sure how i'm gonna like this whole blogging thing or if i will even stick with it but here we go...

So the 2012 Crossfit Games Open closed last night and it seems I am the 1,611 fittest man in the northeast region. That being said that is not gonna cut it. I know what people say, "oh you did great " or "you should be proud of yourself you have come so far". Both true i'm very proud of what I've done but i know i'm so much better. In the last year Crossfit has really pointed me in the direction to a better more fun and complete  life, and if continued on this path it may even open the door to that life but that is not my style i wanna kick that bad boy in and jump into that life rather then tip toe in. So I have a year what will I do to prepare and have say a 1,000 position improvment from this year to next? tune in here to find out.

Today's plan....

615 class

4 rds for time

27 box jumps
20 burpees
11 squat cleans 145#

730 teach

830 late vampire lift session

1)Snatch 60% x3, 70% x3 75% x2 85% 1x3

2) clean and jerk
Same as above

615 class was a killer and tho 145# is no prob for me after a shit ton of burpees and box jumps fatigue played a toll. Proud of myself for pushing hard on the box jumps and burpees knocked it out in 26:11 very happy with that .

Now the late night vampire lift session. After a couple warm up cleans it was instantly apparent that my wrist were pretty beat up from the squat cleans so I passed on the clean and jerks. But I attacked the snatches and worked on catching them all in a half squat and paused at the top working on stabilizing the weight. Worked up to 175# as the load of all the work today caught up to me. All in all a good first day.

Big shout out to Allison for riding my ass at class and ken for sticking around during the lift session.